My father will
soon pass away.
My world’s
beginning to decay!

But Caylen
does not care.
To catch him
we prepare.

We find him.
We face him.
This goal is
what we share!

He will feel my despair!
Too much I’ve had to bear!
Revenge is what I want!
His life I will not spare!

Hegar is at risk.
The land of bliss and light
has stopped to be brisk.
Destroyed the Guardians’ might!

Royal blood was spilled
on Caylen’s dirty blade.
He has got him killed.
This is the choice he made!

Us, he betrayed!

I have to end
this now or never.
The price is
to be paid!

He has to pay for his offences!
He proved he lost all of his senses!

Soon we
will tear down all his fences!
Bring me his head! I want
to see it in my hands!


I must think
about Jade’s freeing.
Blood and death
are on their way.

If he
has extinguished her being,
my life will
start to decay.

Will she perish?


Hearts made of stone, we fight.
The hardest
will is forged from plain steel.

Death to Caylen!
Pain and fright!
Get up and follow me!

He has to pay for his offences!
He proved he lost all of his senses!

Soon we
will tear down all his fences!
And his soul’s about to die!

His cries of pain will be our gladness!
Until we end his rotten badness!

Soon we
will tear down all his fences!
And with a smile
I’ll watch him say his last goodbye!

Your time is running out!
You better spend it wisely.
My sword aims at your body
and then thrusts your heart precisely!

Warrimon, will you come with me?!


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Presse und Rezensionen

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CD Trackliste

Akt 1 Lied 01: Helden der Garde / ANETA / TARA Lied 02: Flamme von Hegar / DECEM / JADE / MELVENLied 03: Formidables Regat weiterlesen
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